Vehicle Interactions
Vehicle Interaction offers comprehensive information on vehicle oprations. The main recorded interactions include physical direction, speed and position (where fitted), proximity warnings of encroaching pedestrians, other vehicles, and activated emergency states.
The video below offers a more informative overview of how the different vehicle units work together, how they work both in realtime on the vehicle, and the data recorded to be subsequently accessed via this BEAMS system:
The recorded Vehicle Interaction information from all the sub systems on the on-board devices which monitor vehicles can be accessed / viewed / reported on in detail here. The overview highlights any direct areas of concern and warnings or problems on specific days.
A per-day overview of special events is displayed with the option to click-through (see the "More details..." links in the dataset) to display the per-vehicle movement and conduct details.
The per-vehicle details may be further clicked-through to the site timeline, stop events, warning events, break slam events etc...