
Welcome to the Booyco Electronics BEAMS system interface.
This section provides an Introduction to the system interface and it demonstrates system functionality.

BEAMS is a system that gives Booyco clients a way to view, interact with and report the information collected by Booyco PDS systems. Booyco administrators use this same system to configure and check the proper functioning of your PDS system.

Note that a secure Log-In is not required to view these demonstrations (any sensitive data here is obscured or fabricated), however, in the live system users are verified, and user access levels determine which information, sections, or sites can be viewed or altered.

This introduction and demonstration area matches the real BEAMS interface and can be navigated by selecting the items from the list - similar to how you would navigate the physical BEAMS interface.
We suggest starting at the top with the Dashboard.


Should you require any further information, on-line demonstration or further business enquiry, kindly contact our BEAMS Representative Theon directly at:

Phone Direct +27 (0) 861 BOOYCO (266926)
Mobile +27 (0) 72 497 8024